
Project details

The Independent Planning Commission approved plans for the Roseville College Sport and Wellbeing Centre on 18 June 2021.

State Significant Development Summary

Project Name: Roseville College Sport and Wellbeing Centre
Consent Number: SSD-9912
Status: Construction phase
Architect: Brewster Hjorth Architects
Contractor: Taylor Construction Group Pty Ltd
Commencement: August 2022
Forecast Completion: September 2024
Address: 27 – 37 Bancroft Avenue, Roseville


Construction site contact details

Email | [email protected]
Phone | 02 9884 1100 (Roseville College Main Reception)
Site manager (Ben, Taylor Group) | 0423 325 254 (24-hours)


To comment or complain

Email us directly | [email protected]

Complaints received during this project are recorded and reported monthly under Condition A28 (a) (viii).