
At Roseville College, we believe in whole-person development that focuses on ways to promote growth, challenge and provide inspiration to students in areas both inside and beyond a classroom. It involves attention to the all-round development of girls intellectually, cognitively, physically, creatively, spiritually, emotionally, socially, communicatively and in terms of self-mastery.

We recognise the importance and pervasive nature of information and communication technology (ICT) in our everyday lives. We therefore see it as our duty to integrate technology in teaching and learning that engages students in independent and flexible learning opportunities, and equips them with the skills to use technology responsibly and effectively in society.


Operation Hours

The Roseville College IT Department is open Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 4pm during school terms and holiday breaks. The department is only closed for public holidays and from Christmas Eve to the start of the first full working week in January. The IT Service Desk is located in the Library, and girls are encouraged to visit anytime to get assistance.

The IT Department can be contacted on (02) 9884 1110 during normal hours.

IT vision statement

To provide an outstanding educational environment that integrates technologies in teaching and learning and engages students in independent and flexible learning opportunities within and beyond the curriculum.

IT aims

  • Personalising the learning experience of our students and engaging them so that they become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens
  • To use IT where appropriate to motivate and inspire students and raise standards across the curriculum
  • To ensure that availability is not a barrier to the learning of staff and students in the College
  • To support staff, through professional development, and provide them with the tools for collaboration, management and administration
  • To allow students to appreciate the relevance of IT in our society and to see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information, and for controlling and understanding their environment
  • To provide an environment where access to IT resources is natural and seamless

Student technology

  • All students at Roseville College have access to their own 1:1 device for use in the classroom to support and enhance their learning. Currently these devices are:
    • Years P–4: College-provided iPad
    • Years 5–6: College-provided MacBook Air laptop
    • Years 7–12: BYOD program with student choice of laptop


Policy and Agreements

Senior School Student Acceptable Use Policy